Have you ever been curious about the different colors of candles and what they mean?
Candle colors have meanings that go beyond just the candle itself. Candle color meanings are important to understand when it comes to spirituality, magick, and spells. This guide will explore some of the most popular candle colors and their meanings.
So whether you’re new to this or just curious about candle color meanings, read on!
What is Candle Magick?
Candle magick (magic) is a simple spellwork that anyone can do. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to focus your intentions and work with the Element of Fire, which is utilized in religious and spiritual practices across the world. Furthermore, fire has special attention in the Pagan and Wicca traditions and rituals. This is true since neither Wicca nor Paganism is complete without a bonfire, tall candles dedicated to the Goddess/ God, or small tea lights marking the sacred circle’s boundaries.
Benefits of Candle Magick
You can use candle magic for various purposes. Like the following:
- For healing, protection, and blessing of people and animals.
- Abundance and love.
- To increase your focus and concentration.
- It’s a way to connect with the divine surrounding you.
- Use it as a way to manifest your desires.
- To cleanse and purify spaces.
Candles can also help you to:
- Set the mood for rituals or spellwork.
- Invoke the Element of Fire.
- Bring about change in your life.
Some people also believe that candles can absorb negative energy.
Candle Color Meanings
Now that we’ve covered candle magic and some of the benefits of working with candles let’s look at the different Wiccan candle colors and their meanings. As follows:
- White Candles – purity, truth, and peace. They are used for healing, protection, new beginnings, and increasing your strength.
- Black Candles – banishing, protection, and endings. You can use them to remove negative energy, hexes, curses, and even destructive patterns. However, you must remember not to overuse this specific candle color.
- Red Candles – love, passion, and courage. They are most commonly used for throwing love spells, protection, and strength. And you can use a red candle for obtaining and attracting physical items.
- Pink Candles – love, romance, and the candle color for friendship.
- Orange Candles – change, fresh starts, and creativity; also, the color that opens your horizons beyond. Furthermore, this color represents letting go of your anger and fury.
- Yellow Candles – highly motivating and signify happiness, joy, intelligence, and professional opportunities. For instance, it would be good to have one unlit yellow candle in your office or room.
- Green Candles – abundance, prosperity, and fertility. The green always indicates growth and going further up. And, yes, it’s also most commonly associated with money. When thinking of self-upgrading, you should go for a green-colored candle no matter the field.
- Blue Candles – communication, truth, wisdom, and this is also the candle color for health. This color promotes calmness and harmony — it’s a color that has soothing, peaceful energy.
- Purple Candles – psychic abilities, spirituality, and royalty. So, if you want to enter the world of dreams, this is your perfect candle color.
- Brown Candles – animals/pets, nature, and the earth. In a nutshell, you would want to use this candle color for resource-related matters and grounding, protection, and animal magic.
- Gold Candles – the Sun, success, and prosperity. The gold color promotes high vibrations and frequency — the perfect color for all sorts of goals in life.
- Silver Candles – the Moon, intuition, and psychic abilities. They can be used to attract lunar energy or to bring about change. Silver candles can also be used to represent new beginnings.
How to Use Each Color of Candle Based on Your Purpose
The above are just general correspondences. You can use any color candle for any purpose. Remember that when using candle colors, it’s all about intention!
Supposing that you’re new to the whole thing, to get you started, here are a few suggestions on how to use each color according to your intentions:
- For healing, use a white candle and visualize yourself surrounded by white light.
- For protection, use a black candle and visualize yourself surrounded by a shield of light.
- Use a pink or red candle for love and picture yourself embraced by love and light.
- For abundance, use a green candle and imagine yourself surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
- For wisdom, use a blue candle and visualize yourself captured by knowledge and understanding.
- For spirituality, use a purple candle and surround yourself with spiritual light.
Candle Colors and Days of the Week
We’ve covered the basic meaning of various color candles. Now it’s time to see how candle colors are connected with the days of the week.
- Monday: White, Gray, Silver;
- Tuesday: Red, Orange, Brown, Autumn colors;
- Wednesday: Gray, Yellow;
- Thursday: Deep Blue, Purple;
- Friday: Light Blue, Pink, Green, Copper shades;
- Saturday: Black, Dark colors;
- Sunday: Orange, Gold.
Types of Candles You Can Use For Spellwork
Let’s take a look at the different types of candles you can use for spellwork.
- Pillar Candles: These are the most common candles used in spellwork. They come in various sizes (3×3 inches, 3×6 inches, etc.) and colors (red, green, purple, etc.), and you can use them for just about any purpose.
- Taper Candles: These particular candles are thinner than pillar candles, and they’re typically used for spells that involve focus or concentration.
- Votive Candles: Votive candles are small, round candles typically used for spells involving love or healing. Additionally, you can use them over time to concentrate on lengthy spells that demand long hours of focused energy.
- Tea Lights: Tea lights are small candles primarily used for spells involving protection or purification. There are many colors available to choose from, and they’re small enough to carry with you anywhere. These tea light candles are ideal for fast rituals because they’re the standard size and come in various colors.
Here are other props that will come in handy while using certain spellwork candles:
- Candle Holders: Candleholders come in various shapes and sizes, and they’re used to provide better support for candles during spellwork.
- Candle Snuffers: You need candle snuffers to extinguish the candles after a spell. They help prevent wax from getting on the skin or the surface around.
- Wick Trimmers: Wick trimmers are used to trim the wicks of candles before performing a spell or a ritual. Trimmers also help prevent the candle from smoking or dripping.
Now that you know the basics of candle magic, you can start introducing candles into your spellwork.
Tip: You must remember to be careful when working with fire, and always extinguish candles once done using them.
How To Do a Candle Ritual for Everything (love, work, and more)
We have already covered all the necessary things you need to know before diving into candle spellwork. Now it’s time to light the candles and focus on your intentions. Follow these steps:
- Set the scene and the intention. It’s vital that you establish a goal and energetically clean the area you’re in. Consequently, it would be best to write down your intentions — doing this makes your intentions real and present in the physical world.
- Choose the right candle. If you want to attract love, use a pink or red candle (depending on the type of love you wish for). And, for work-related success, use a green candle.
- Carve your intention into the candle. You can carve “I deserve love” or “I am open to love if you’re doing a love spell.”
- Rub the candle with oil. Choose an oil that corresponds to your intention. For example, if you’re doing a spell about love, use rose oil.
- Light the candle and express your intentions aloud. Visualize your intention coming to a realization while the flame burns.
- Keep your eyes on the flame. This is vital since the moves of the flame moves can also reveal a meaning (blue flame indicates that a spirit is nearby).
- Extinguish the candle when it burns down to the desired level. Make sure to snuff it out, don’t ever blow it out! By blowing it out, you can reverse the spell.
- Ensure proper disposal of the candle. Bury it in the ground or in a pot of soil, if possible. If not, wrap it in paper and throw it away.
- Thank the Universe for helping you manifest your intention. Express gratitude for the good things that are on their way to you.
Why Does Candle Color Matter?
It’s simple. Spell candle colors help to show and express your intention; thus, candle colors does matter. This is quickly done since each color has its associations that you can use to fine-tune your spellwork.
Therefore, trust and let yourself be led by your intuition when choosing a color for your spell; at the same time, follow the energy of the color.
How To Read The Flame?
The flame of a candle can tell you lots about your spell and the energy surrounding it.
Here are some things to look for in the flame of a candle:
- Size – A big, bold flame means a strong spell, while a small, not so strong flame indicates a delicate and weak spell.
- Color – A bright, clear flame is a good sign, while a smoky or murky flame can mean that the spell is being blocked by negative energy.
- The way the flame moves – If the flame is dancing around, the spell is active and working. If the flame is going out frequently, it’s a sign that the spell isn’t working as well as it could be.
- Pay attention to your gut instinct – If something feels off, it’s probably best to trust your intuition and adjust the spell accordingly or discontinue it altogether.
When you’re finished working with your candle, snuff it out safely and dispose of the wax as we mentioned previously. you wish. Thank the Element of Fire for its assistance, and be sure to cleanse your space.
Lit vs. Unlit Candles
Which is More Powerful?
The debate over lit vs. unlit candles has been going on for centuries. There are proponents of both methods, and each side has valid points. So, which is more powerful? Let’s take a closer look.
Lit candles are often used for protection, healing, and banishing spells. The light of the flame is said to represent the power of the Sun, and it is believed that this power can be harnessed to achieve specific goals.
Whereas unlit candles are often used for growth, abundance, and fertility spells. It is believed that the unburned wax of the candle contains all of the elements needed to show your intention and that lighting the candle is a way to release this power.
So the power of the lit and unlit candle depends on your specific goal. For a more active form of magic, lit candles are the way to go. And, for more passive magic, unlit candles will do the job. In the end, the decision is yours to make.
If you are new to candle magic, it may be best to start with lit candles. Once you have mastered the basics, you can experiment with unlit candles and see which method works better for you.
Difference Between Candle Magic and Color Therapy
While both candle magic and color therapy can be used to achieve similar goals, there is a crucial difference between the two.
Ritual candle color magic uses the power of light and fire to manifest your intention. On the other hand, color therapy is a form of healing that uses the power of color to balance your energy and promote wellness.
Furthermore, candle magic and color therapy are used for healing, protection, and abundance. However, candlelight magic is a more active form of magic that requires you to take specific actions to convert your intention into a reality. On the contrary, color therapy is a more passive form of healing that relies on the power of color to bring about change.
No matter which method you choose, set your intention clearly before you begin your spell or session, and trust that the Universe.
Let’s Blow The Candle Out!
Candles come in a rainbow of colors, and each color has its unique meaning. Whether you’re selecting candles for a spell, choosing ritual colors, or looking for candle health remedies, knowing the symbolism associated with different hues is important.
The next time you need to light a candle for any reason, consider the message you want to send and choose the perfect color to match. You can easily do this now that you understand the true candle color meanings and how to use them.
Gather your supplies, light your candle, and let the magic begin!
Yes, you can combine colors when using candles for magic. Each color carries a specific meaning and symbolism, so combining colors can help you create a more powerful spell.
Tip: Make sure to choose shades that complement each other well.
Are the colors associated with any chakras?
Yes, the colors of the candles are associated with different chakras:
- Red candles – the Root chakra.
- Orange candles – the Sacral chakra.
- Yellow candles – the Solar Plexus chakra.
- Green candles – the Heart chakra.
- Blue candles – the Throat chakra,
- and purple candles – the Third Eye chakra.
What is the best color candle to use for healing?
The best color candle to use for healing is green. You can use them to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
What is the best color candle to use for money?
The best color candle to use for money is green — this color attracts financial abundance and success.
When dressing a candle for magic, it’s better to start by anointing the candle with oil. This is done by rubbing the oil on the candle from the wick to the bottom.
Once fully anointed, roll it in herbs, dust it with powders, or wrap it in a cloth. As you do this, visualize your intention and focus your energy on what you want to achieve.