How To Use a Pressure Regulator For a Whip Cream Charger [Step by Step Guide]
Written by, Raj
Updated June, 22, 2023
Everyone loves to enjoy fresh whipped cream, whether it’s settled atop a hot fudge sundae or melting into a warm latte, but whipping it by hand is simply infeasible in a commercial kitchen, or even at a large celebration hosted by the average person. This is why cream chargers are indispensable for those working on a bigger scale than one or two people: they allow you to make numerous servings of whipped cream in just a few minutes rather than blending the cream for ten minutes or more to get the right consistency.
Cream chargers can also serve a variety of other purposes, such as infusing liquor: you could make the most fascinating vodka mule that anyone has ever tasted by infusing a bit of lime directly into the vodka, for example. In order to get the most benefit from this tool, you need to know how to use a pressure regulator, which comes standard on large industrial chargers. Let’s look at the eight steps to take for perfect whip cream, every time.
1. Always use a regulator that is compatible with the cream charger and dispenser
You should only buy a whip cream pressure regulator from a company that also sells the rest of the setup: the nitrous oxide canisters and whipped cream dispenser. This ensures that there will be a tight seal between everything and that you won’t risk serious cream charger accidents.
2. Attach to the regulator to the nitrous oxide tank
The regulator will fit neatly on top of the nitrous oxide tank, where the pressure gauge will tell you what the pressure is so you can ensure you’re not overpressurizing the whip cream dispenser. There is a hose that emerges from the regulator: this will be attached to the whip cream dispenser.
3. Fill the dispenser with the cream or other liquid
Remember that you can use your whip cream dispenser for much more than just the familiar dessert topping! It can also be used to make mousse, flavored butters, and even hand-crafted liquor with any infusion you desire. Because you’re working with nitrous oxide, which can be dangerous if not handled correctly, ensure that you follow a specific recipe when infusing anything.
4. Connect the regulator to the dispenser while in the off position
As mentioned before, there is a hose that exits the regulator; this will be attached to the dispenser. There is a lever near the connection between the regulator hose and the dispenser, which should be perpendicular to the hose at the moment. This is the gas flow stopper
5. Turn clockwise to allow gas to enter the dispenser
When you’re sure that the regulator hose is properly connected to the dispenser, slowly turn the gas flow stopper clockwise until the lever is parallel with the hose. You should hear a hiss as the gas begins to flow into the dispenser; watch the pressure gauge carefully now to ensure that you are not overpressurizing the system. As it starts to get toward the PSI that you need, you’re almost ready for the next step.
6. Once you’ve hit the pressure you need, close the gas flow stopper and disconnect the regulator
Turn the gas flow stopper counterclockwise until it is in the same position as when you started, then unscrew the regulator hose from the dispenser. It’s important that you always close the gas flow stopper before disconnecting the regulator for the same reason as before: you don’t want to waste nitrous oxide!
7. Gently shake the whip cream dispenser to combine the gas and liquid
The keyword here is “gentle:” no need to shake it vigorously, as this will lead to a splotchy mess when you open the dispenser. Tilt it up and down and side to side in a slow, measured motion. Your goal here is to let the nitrous oxide penetrate the liquid in order to create bubbles inside it.
8. Dispense the cream, holding the dispenser upright and away from your face
You’re ready to dispense! Hold the cream dispenser upright and aim away from your face, then depress the trigger. Tempting as it is to spray cream directly into your mouth from the dispenser, these are not like the canned creams that you get from the store: the pressure is much higher, and you could seriously injure yourself if something goes amiss.
Follow these steps and exercise caution, and you’ll have excellent whip cream on tap
It’s essential that you treat cream chargers with care and maintain them well, as a punctured or damaged nitrous oxide canister could easily explode. Keep the entire system in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or fluctuating temperatures, and inspect it frequently for any damage. Clean each connecting point with a soft cloth, and don’t use abrasives or other harsh chemicals, as this can damage the threads. If you care for your cream charger, it can last for years, dispensing creamy goodness whenever you choose!