Written by, Jelena Kabic
Updated May, 9, 2022
TikTok, formerly Doyjin, is the fastest-growing social media network, without a doubt.
And TikTok trends come and go so rapidly, always taking place for new ones.
That’s precisely why this network never gets boring.
Are you interested in finding out about the latest popular trends on TikTok in the USA?
Let’s get going!
Check out these fantastic TikTok trends!
Niana Guerrero (@nianaguerrero)
Original Audio: T-Pain ft Joey Galaxy – Booty Wurk
Tags: #bootywurkchallange
The original creator of the TikTok challenge is Niana Guerrero, a famous TikTok creator ever since she was a little girl. The dance she does is considered super-hard and consists of many rapid movements, including a lot of jumps and handclaps.
This super-viral TikTok trending challenge hit the social network last year, but, people are still doing it! So if you’re considering doing a video – better do it right away.
Qveen Herby (@qveenherby)
Original Audio: ABRACADABRA – Qveen Herby
Tags: #letmeshowyouhowto #letmeshowyouhow #abracadabra
This is a ‘transition type’ of Instagram content that’s also fresh out of the closet. The trending video starts with the person/ TikTok influencer saying:
“She was like, ‘Oh My God, I can never wear that.” And I was like” — and then the video and the person talking make a big change to break a gossip society stereotype, continuing with the phrase “Let me show you how.”
Dennis Rodman (@dennisrodman)
Original Audio: Gimme clout pls – Tik Toker
Tags: #voguechallenge #voguecoverchallenge #voguemagazine #voguetrend
The TikTok “vogue cover challenge” is a social media challenge that involves people recreating the iconic cover of Vogue magazine.
The challenge went viral on TikTok, with people of all ages and backgrounds taking part.
To do the challenge, you need to find a vogue cover from any era, and recreate it as closely as possible using a TikTok filter or other tools. Some people even post videos of themselves posing in front of the original cover image, so that they can get feedback on their performance from followers and fellow users.
Sweetyhigh (@sweetyhigh)
Original Sound: roro – 2smoove
Tags: #FYP #sypage #foryou
This ‘Looney Tunes’ style one-on-one match among two obviously different characters, where one is superior and stronger than the other is currently HOT on TikTok.
The smaller character is the louder one, while the stronger character just stands there and lets him have it all out – finishing him off with a single touch!
Enchantedvancuver by Ruchita (@enchantedvancouver)
Original Sound: Bruno Mars – Talking To The Moon
Tags: #googleearthtrend #googleearth #googleearthchallenge
The challenge is to film a creative video using the Google Earth app. The app allows users to explore different locations around the world; and the challenge is to use is it to create an interesting and original video. For instance, showing off where you’ve been, a remarkable location no one knows about, or a creative way to promote your business.
This challenge has it all!
Wisdom Kaye (@wisdm8)
Original sound: Wisdom Kaye’s original sound
Tags: #OOTD #touchitchallenge #ootdchallenge
People have used this Tiktok trend for everything you can think of since it starts with the words “in case you can’t see how ridiculous of a request this is, I’m just saying: I’m not gonna do it”… And the next thing you see is the total opposite of the saying. There’s a request on the screen (a ridiculous one) and the person doing the video is first NOT into doing it – but changes its mind very rapidly in the next scene.
However, it’s also great to promote products (if you’re into sales), or want to have a ‘backyard sale,’ etc.
Quinn (@diarrheaquinn)
Original sound: Quinn – Beach Bunny by Cloud 9
Tags: #IHatePeopleWhoWorkAtTheBank #IWorkAtTheBank
This viral trend is a perfect way of showing society vs. reality and the actual hypocrisy behind so many things. The real you and the inner you.
It’s a way to reflect how most of the time, the ‘moral of the story’ and the code we’re being told is being broken by the actual people spreading it.
I just love how this trend can be used to explain things in their true form, i.e., in such a funny way. Plus, it can be used for literally anything!
Sasha Morpeth (@sashamorpeth)
Original sound: what happened (contains music from) Dans le vide – funzfbk
Tags: #BusyThinkingAbout #iwasbusythinkingabout #iwasbusythinkingbout #iwasbusythinkingaboutboys
This sound and TikTok trend were used to remind the online society about
Also, many things regarding school, physics, history, and everything you can think of are focused on in the videos using this exact TikTok trend.
What is it that you want to know? Use this TikTok viral trend and maybe you’ll find an answer, and boost your brand awareness and profile.
MyKoreanHome (@mykoreanhome)
Original sound: original sound – mykoreanhome
Tags: #TellMeWithoutTellingMe #tellmewithouttelling #tellmechallenge #WithoutTellingMe
This challenge is precisely what it sounds like — how are you going to tell something without using words?
The content on this one is already saturated, but it ain’t preventing folks around the States to re-discover new situations to once again use this popular TikTok challenge.
cozy tea tok (@cozyteatok)
Original Sound: The Memories – Go Down On You
Tags: #Don’tBeSurprised #dontbesurprisedifonedayijust
How is it that you’re feeling? What’s your message to the world?
Many TikTokers have used this trend to explain what they would want to do in the future.
And surprisingly, many have used the trend to explain how they would want to see themselves
Being an influencer and creator must be hard, could you imagine?
Josh Killacky (@joshkillacky)
Original Sound: Meet me at our spot – The Anxiety & Willow & Tyler Cole
Tags: #caughtavibe #cughtavibechallenge #meetmeatourspot
This dance became so popular, that a ‘caught a vibe’ meme was invented, and it wasn’t all so pleasant to be spread as a message.
However, from the words of the song, one can easily agree that they’re explaining the love of two junkies (heroin addicts). Or, maybe the monologue of one’s inner self, asking if they should go to their spot to take another hit.
Whatever the reason behind the lyrics might be, the TikTok trend became popular due to the interpretation of the meaning as hitting heroin and showing it off in a dance.
As mentioned earlier, TikTok trends come and go as fast as the wind, BUT, they do leave a tremendous mark. So, whether it’s on your popularity as a person, your brand, or influencer – it’s better to ‘go with the flow’ and stay up to date with TikTok Trends.
Here are some steps to help you spot a trending content:
Recent stats show that USA youngsters spend an average of 87 minutes on the platform daily – which is why it’s most likely that TikTok will substitute TV for this generation.
A sure way into getting first-hand information is by following TikTok creators and seeing their latest posts. This means literally not missing any of their posts, and creating your content following their popular steps within just 2-3 days before it becomes saturated content.
Here are some ‘trend–alert’ TikTok Accounts to keep a close eye on:
With TikTok having more than 1 billion monthly active users you need to ensure you’re following the trendsetters that can teach you how to use TikTok to your advantage.
You must be thinking, this is a joke, right?!
Nope, it’s not!
The For You page is the biggest and richest place with upcoming TikTok trends. However, to use it as such, it must not be biased. In other words, the For You page must be clear of the influence of any algorithms (likes, engagements, and people you follow).
And to use this you must have a second TikTok account – one you use just for ‘luring.’ Of course, there’s no liking, following, or any other actions being done from this account.
Then, check the latest trends (hashtags), or sounds that are being used frequently in creators’ videos. You might as well check the original date it started being used for a trend, or the date a trend was set up. If it’s already passed 5 to 7 days, scratch it from your list — It’s already saturated and old content.
There you have it. A list of the most popular TikTok trends right now.
But as we mentioned before – the list can change instantly in just a single day, so never miss to do some catching up on new and upcoming TikTok trends by using one of the ways explained in this article.
But, what would a TikTok video be without all the amazing songs and the people who’ve put a totally different idea behind it?
Thanks to all TikTok creators and amazing gadgets – the TikTok network is blooming in terms of popularity and revenue.